Introducing TIMS

Easy personnel, equipment and insurance management for the trucking industry.

TIMS Dashboard

Automatic Notifications

Automatic Notifications

TIMS allows you to automatically notify your insurance company, agent, underwriter, loss payee and issuing company of insurance changes the second they happen - and lets you know they've acknowledged the change.

Easy Office Management

TIMS keeps track of your insurance, drivers, tractors, and trailers along with detailed history of changes. Easily generate individual or company wide insurance coverage and change history reports with one click.

Mobile Access Anywhere

TIMS features an easy to use web interface, allowing you to view and manage your drivers, tractors, and trailers from anywhere with an internet connection - including mobile devices! Your drivers can easily access insurance certificates on the road right from their mobile device.

Manage Your Business

The TIMS dashboard provides a quick look at your recent personnel and equipment changes.

Escape Spreadsheets

TIMS has an easy to use web interface that allows you to manage your insurance products, drivers, power units and trailers.

Easy Reporting

Easily generate personnel, equipment, insurance census, add/delete reports and more.